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Manami Nakashimizu

yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

MEI liked to go to the public bath house with her father very much.

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

A season passed in plenty, and MEI transferred to far school.

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

A train passed in front of the MEI, and scattered some cherry trees.

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

At the public bath house where no one is here.....

Yahho ○○years later

Yahho ○○years later

End, this is a beginning.

Yahho ○○years later

When Kato Shunsuke(store owner of calotte leather handmade) went to the public bath house with his daughter, this story was born.

MEI loved by a father much is very cute,you will come to like her.


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purchase this book > 1book ¥2,800

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